Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Thought Salad

I gave my brother a cactus as a birthday gift. They're cheap and fun to play with.

I wish I knew where to find one of these cactuses.

This one is so stealthy you can't even see it.

The best advice I've ever received is "You can't live your life in fear". My dad told me this while we were staring up at a house on a Californian mountainside. It looked as if it were held up by toothpicks. The obvious risk of earthquakes made me wonder why anyone would want to live there. That's when my dad said it.

Ever since then, I've lived by his advice, taking risks and living fearlessly. I don't know if he realized what he was getting himself into.

If I could go anywhere in the world, I'd go to a rainforest in South America. I'd sit in the leaves, far away from civilization, and I'd close my eyes. I would focus on the sounds of life around me--the bird songs, the chirping bugs, the rain hitting the foliage. I'd let the rain soak into my body while smelling the sweet, clean air. Wouldn't that be nice?

When I was approximately seven years old, I was laying in bed unable to sleep. That's typical of me. I'm terrible at turning my brain off. I bet it's 10:38, I thought to myself. I rolled over to look at the clock. It was 10:38. I started to dance in celebration. To this day, when I see that it's 10:38, I do a little dance. I still think it's really cool that I guessed the time.

When I was a child, I had a reoccurring dream where my teachers had fallen into a giant chasm in the desert. The chasm was consistently filling up with water and I felt the need to save my teachers before they drowned. I asked Freddy Flinstone if I could borrow his ride. It happened to be a flying car, like the ones in the Jetsons. I'd normally fly down, with the entire Flinstone family cheering me on, yet I never remember actually saving my teachers. Does anyone have an interpretation of what this means?

I could play with this for hours: Kaleidoscope Maker

Very well done artistic animation, if you're into that sort of thing:

"There are no facts, only interpretations." ~Friedrich Nietzsche

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