Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Party Bowl//The Flower


Before I go any further, there is a video you need to watch!




It’s called the Flower:

The Flower



And there is a song you should listen to!

Bongo Bong by Manu Chao

Might sound even better while watching this video full screen:

Mandelbrot Fractal Set Trip To e214 HD from teamfresh on Vimeo.





Check out McGill!


Huh. Looks like they’re having a barbeque or something.










If you haven’t watched this, I’d highly suggest it:

Blockhead- The Music Scene



Sunday, April 17, 2011

Documented Aimlessness


Kitty Kat by Minnesota


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Learning and looking are occurrences, knowing and seeing are achievements.


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april17 028

I suppose wandering isn’t aimless if there is art involved.


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april17 054

Le metro is like this crazy underground world with fast transportation, tunnels, and lots of random art and architecture from it seems like the 70s. I watch people going through their day like dreary automatons on another sleepy commute to work, while at the same time, I’m on my way back from wherever the hell I was the night before, my mind overwhelmed by each station’s unique, space age designs, simply wishing everyone else would just look up from their feet…

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“Corresponding to the fact that we act as if time is a valuable commodity—a limited resource, even money—we conceive of time that way. Thus we understand and experience time as the kind of thing that can be spent, wasted, budgeted, invested wisely or poorly, saved, or squandered.”








Don’t waste no time! Don’t waste no money! Come to the show of all shows, my last night in town…




Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wicked Wisdom



Lights by Ellie Goulding and Bassnectar


Last night, I started to think about what it was like to be a child again. Not about what I wore or how I spoke, but how I perceived things. When everything I looked at was a puzzle. When everything I looked at was a toy. When adults approached me and hugged me and all I was thinking was I really hope that’s my aunt because when you’re young, you don’t recognize faces even when you’re supposed to.





In fact, children begin with naïve egocentrism that allows them to believe that only they exist. Even objects aren’t permanent- in their minds, an object only exists when a he or she is looking straight at it. However, we can’t blame the little tykes for only seeing their way, since their brains are simply trying to avoid a sensory overload. They are constantly making brand new links between sight, touch, smell, taste, and sounds to help comprehend their existence in the world. We should probably give them a break. Imagine being in a new sensory situation almost every moment- you remember when you walked into a room with a different lighting and it seemed like the strangest place on earth? Or the first time you heard an egg crack on the floor? The first time you tasted lemon ice? No wonder kids are always screaming. It’s just the sheer excitement of such new, but ordinary, occurrences. And the inevitable, incessant confusion that comes along with it.




We don’t even have a notion of time until we realize that 2 things can happen at once. Only when we start to experience the duration and succession of time can we realize it only goes in one direction.










Little by little,

we start to get what’s going on,

but I kind of liked that confusion,

it was comfortable.







In any sense, I don’t see why we can’t just be children at heart. Why must we be so serious, follow the structures of common conversation and suppress our inner excitement for the simple colors and textures of life,

everywhere around us?

…it’s all still here. It’s only our perception of it that has changed.





F*ck it!

let’s play make believe &

skin our knees playing 4 square &

throw shit out of trees




Artwork by Shan Jiang

Sunday, April 3, 2011



Kito- On the Floor



What are we ever doing but just escaping our minds for but a moment? Release your mind into a sip of coffee, into the sounds of a song, or into a wisp of paint. Thoughts just spill from one medium to the next. It just depends were you scatter them








Continue, why not?















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That is all.