Monday, May 10, 2010

My Glass Art

When someone asks you what superpower you would have, I think almost everyone would want to fly. Some people ignore the fact that flying would be sweet as hell, and try to come up some "unique" answer, such as invisibility or mind reading. However, we all really know that they want to fly but can't admit that they're just like everybody else.

Click here to feel like you're flying

The other day I went on a glass art field trip to Chicago Hot Glass. We got to work with extremely skilled glass artists on handmade paperweights.

After that, we went to Ken Saunder's glass art gallery in the city. I was amazed at some of the things I saw, and I am grateful for the inspiration (or humiliation?) that these artists give me.

Here is some of the glass art I've been working on this year. As you can see, I have developed a specific style. Glass art is kind of like an addiction. I crave to cut glass.

There are more to come (once they're out of the kiln!)

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