Tuesday, June 7, 2011

tout est cool



Brown and Gammon- Be There
“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars…”

~Jack Kerouac, On the Road



Sometimes I find myself trying to draw these stunning Lango Nator drawings:


mine never really compare though.


That one house, on the rainbow box,


that one would be mine.


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I’d say that if your happy to be where you are now,

you should be grateful for everything that’s happened in the past. Maybe this is old news to you guys, but it doesn’t matter as much where you were as where you’re going.





What if you came home and this was tossed on your couch?



Artist Kathy Weaver specializes in embroidered robot quilts.

They could make any couch unique. The use of color would make houseguests immediately realize you have a robot quilt.





I like turtles. I have a real one.

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I think my hands are too small to embroider. I can’t even braid my own hair.


She also paints a bit,


It kind of reminds me of fungus.



This Adam O’Day painting reminds me of drippy, humid Chicago nights,


it’s officially hot as hell.

At least this here is my day job,

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Lots of chillax time, and

nothin’ but blue skies.

Finally I am within a week of Flux Pavillion and Doctor P, which will cure my need to womp among my people.

Open-mouthed smileomg…you can make smileys on this thing? Good to know..

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