Wednesday, August 20, 2014

thoughts from the train (What Could Have Been)

In high school I tried to adopt a ferret. But my application was denied. I don't know why there had to be such a questionnaire for ferret adoption, but they asked why you wanted the ferret, and I said because I want something to sit on my lap and cuddle with me. Their justification for denying me was that I was better suited looking into elderly rabbits, for all they would do is sit on my lap, and they would probably die by the time I went to college.

I'm reflecting on this because I wonder how my life would have been different had they given me the thumbs up. If I had indeed adopted a ferret. 

I wonder if there would be regular blog posts about it. I wonder if it would have brought me to strange new places, like under the couch, in the crawl space or behind the furnace. I wonder if its novelty would have worn off by now. I wonder if I would have still adopted my cat, luckylu. If I did, would they get along? I wonder if I would have made different friends, because my room would have always smelled like ferret, and no one would want to be in there. I wonder if I would have been obsessed, and been a weird ferret lady, who goes to ferret lover conventions or joins ferret loving communities. I wonder if my mom would be taking care of it right now. I wonder if she would have kicked me and the ferret on the streets by now. I wonder if we would be homeless, together. 

I wonder if it would be alive right now. I wonder if I would be alive right now. 

Maybe this all happened the way it did for a reason. I wish I could go back and console my high school self, and tell her that it's probably for the best. That sometimes you fail for a reason. That maybe, sometimes, you should give up your short term goals for some long term ones. Like, in this case, your social and physical survival. I think this serves as a good reminder that in the future, when something doesn't go my way, I shouldn't fret too much. Things will work themselves out. The story is never over. I'm glad I have a cat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's funny how something that didn't happen make us think on how our life would have been different. And how decisions we make (thinking that it's not a big deal) can have a huge impact where we will be in the future. That's the beauty of life. We never know where we will end up. But once we are there it's important to look back and understand the path we took to grow up a bit more as a person.