Sunday, April 17, 2011

Documented Aimlessness


Kitty Kat by Minnesota


march30 004


march30 017

Learning and looking are occurrences, knowing and seeing are achievements.


march30 005




april17 028

I suppose wandering isn’t aimless if there is art involved.


april17 026




april17 030




april17 054

Le metro is like this crazy underground world with fast transportation, tunnels, and lots of random art and architecture from it seems like the 70s. I watch people going through their day like dreary automatons on another sleepy commute to work, while at the same time, I’m on my way back from wherever the hell I was the night before, my mind overwhelmed by each station’s unique, space age designs, simply wishing everyone else would just look up from their feet…

april17 057



april17 060



“Corresponding to the fact that we act as if time is a valuable commodity—a limited resource, even money—we conceive of time that way. Thus we understand and experience time as the kind of thing that can be spent, wasted, budgeted, invested wisely or poorly, saved, or squandered.”








Don’t waste no time! Don’t waste no money! Come to the show of all shows, my last night in town…




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