Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This Is Manifest


Last week I met Starfucker at a quaint bar called Casa del Popolo, a venue that fit roughly 40 people. Since it was a rather small show, the band rocked especially hard, at times interacting and dancing with the guests. At the end of the show, they stayed at the bar and hung out with everyone, as if they were just your average hipster. For those of you who know them, their supposed new name “Pyramiddd” was simply a joke, and the lead singer found it hilarious that people in Chicago were actually concerned with that.

starfucker starfucker-starfucker_480

I believe the singer has an obsession with duct tape, seeing as he was wrapping it around himself, the keyboard, and the microphone during the performance. I wonder what this might allude to metaphorically. One can only ponder that it potentially signifies being stuck to something, someone…or maybe it's some sort of pretentious art form that we are not supposed to ever understand, because he does not understand it himself…





I think I’m gonna run for dictator of the world. My campaign is as follows:

1. Implement recycling laws that tax you if you do not meet recycling requirements.

2. Replace every billboard with a tree.

3. Limit the amount of money that corporations can spend on advertising.

4. Make international law prohibiting city-wide zoning laws against treehouses over a certain square footage.

5. Make bottled water as illegal as America’s current marijuana laws

6. Limit outsourcing by requiring companies to use renewable resources within their own proximity

7. Encourage people, through extreme propaganda comparable to that of Mao’s dynasty, to be comfortable and happy with what they have.

8. New ideology- no lines drawn between animate and inanimate objects, aka stones can have feelings too, and regard dreams just as much a part of reality as waking experience.

9. Everyone has one of these mossy bath mats:

living bath mat


-mold resistant



-loves humidity of bathrooms, so you don’t have to feed it

-non-slip grip

-feels good on feet


This short video always makes me LOL:











Love “fat music”?

A good resource to find new house, dubstep, and other DJ-type music. Lots of free downloads as well!












A mid-evening walk through downtown Montreal:


Rue Peel



Rue Maiseneuve



Rue Crescent



Rue Crescent



Rue Sherbrooke- Montreal Museum of Fine Arts



Rue Mctavish



Rutherford Resevoir- Mcgill



And this dude I was following and taking pictures of:


“Black is My Heart”












Sunday, 4:20pm: In this moment, I am using my new stump friend as a comfortable way to sit. I’m holding my coffee between my legs, its warmth seeping through the complex network of fabric that is my pair of jeans. My bracelets knock against the paper every now and again, reminding me that I exist and I am Katy. Around me are sun-splashed trees, their vibrant fall colors meshing with a melon color of trees yet to metamorphosize…


Is there anything I would rather do than reflect on this moment, alone?

This is manifest,

I suppose…























Update: Larpers still meet.























My favorite view of the city, behind the Rutherford Reservoir--



At least I’m trying.

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