I’ve entered a parallel universe called Canada.
The natives here have a liberal way of dressing, and I feel comfortable wearing tall socks with sneakers now.
They have an odd vernacular, which follows every sentence with “eh”, pronounces hockey like “hawkey”, and sorry like “sawry”.
They use loonie and toonie coins for currency. It’s just some change I’ll have to get used to.
They don’t know what an Arnold Palmer is.
They call Native Americans “First Nations”.
There are many maple syrup and fur shops, which I have seen none of in America.
You can ask the people on the street for directions, but chances are you won’t be able to understand their French pronunciations of street names. In French, one does not pronounce the last 2 or 3 letters of a word. And we thought English was messed up.
In the province of Quebec, the drinking age is 18. Enough said.
In Canada, they think I’m a bit of an oddball…
That, at least, has not changed.
Women in Art by Philip Scott Johnson from Bruce Livingstone on Vimeo.
Andrea Burns
Brenda Kennedy
(photographs of ice)
Rick Robert
Ruth Gelinas
(stained glass impression done with oil paints)
Shirley Elias
Philo = Love of
Sophia = Wisdom
Ever since I got to Montreal, I can’t find many people who enjoy dubstep. They don’t know anything about it--
Me: “Do you like dubstep?”
Careless stranger: ”Who are they?”
Careless stranger: ”Who are they?”
For all of those who are out of the loop, (that’s okay), it’s a new genre of music that’s similar to techno, but is consistently slowed down to 140 BPM. Womping is a key feature of dubstep. If WOMP is an unfamiliar term to you, I suggest listening to the song I linked to, and the great noises you hear at approximately 0:45 are what the hype is about.
The worst is when I get-
Me: “Do you like dubstep?”
Liar: ”Oh yeah, I’ve heard of them!”
Liar: ”Oh yeah, I’ve heard of them!”
No matter the case, I’ve been doing my best to get my womp on, for example starting a rave in the common room last week, which is best done with black light or strobe (ideally both).
When in doubt,
womp it out
Squirrel fishing directions:
1. Tie a long rope to a bucket.
2. Fill the bucket with squirrel treats, for example bird food, peanut butter, and acorns.
3. Throw the attached bucket over a branch. The branch must be low enough for you to be able to throw a bucket over.
4. Hold onto other end of rope. This could also be included in part three.
5. Keep the bucket one or two feet off the ground. Wait for squirrel to come.
6. Watch squirrel climb in bucket. Pull bucket towards tree branch.
7. Hilarious right!
Before I got to Canada, a friend gave me a magic wand as a parting gift. The wand is supposedly from the Wicca magical tribe, and is used for curing and healing. That’s all I know about it at this point, other than that it makes a fantastic decoration and conversational piece in my dorm room.
The other day I had a sub-forest reading of my second children’s story, The
Canvas. The tale is about two children, Riley and Emerson, who find themselves immersed in a painted adventure that they created themselves. It was the third time I’ve done a read aloud, and roughly 15 or so kids from my residence hall attended. Many commented that it sounded like the “Out of the Box Club” that I described from New Trier. Since, I’ve been asked to do another reading for those who missed.
Well, you’ve gotta start somewhere.
This one is a must watch, it will absolutely blow your mind. I fervidly recommend hooking it up to your own music, it will make it all that much better!
…did you notice the synchronicity between your music and the video?
1 comment:
Congrats on your reading!
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