There is a revolutionary school out there in which the students teach themselves--no grading and less than 10 adults. It could change the way the world works!
- "Students are free, all day, every day, to do what they wish at the school, as long as they don't violate any of the school's rules. "
- "Courses occur only when students take the initiative to organize them, and they last only as long as the students want them. "
- "Most of their 'teaching' is of the same variety as can be found in any human setting; it involves answering sincere questions and presenting ideas in the context of real conversations."
- "Students also have access to a pond, a field, and a nearby forest for outdoor play and exploration. "
- "More important, former students report that they are happy with their lives."

Would you send your child there?

I love how Alice in Wonderland seemingly makes nonsense, but actually has quite a bit of logic involved. For example,
"The rule is, jam tomorrow and jam yesterday-- but never jam today" ~The Red Queen
While it seems impossible to figure out what this means, we must remember that everything is possible...even a legit explanation-
"Rather than absorbing the past and the future into itself, the present is divided by an infinitely expanding past and future in both directions at once. It would be even more correct to say that the present does not exist. A ceaseless rupture occurs in the meeting of the past and the future in which these two are continually crashing against one another...It is always already gone and always coming but never now."
So basically, we live in a world of a colliding past and future, and the middle is what we call the present. But the present is simply an illusion of the colliding stage. (Put that in your pipe and smoke it!)
This year, I became obsessed with glass art. Here is most of my work from the year.

My fish, Jesus, sacrificed himself for the sins of fish-manity the other day. The image of his beady little eyes going down the toilet will never be forgotten, yet his spirit will live on eternally.
So anyway, I got a new fish, and named him Pollo.

Yes, that means "chicken" in spanish.
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