I spontaneously bought Ratatouille and Up.

I printed out several copies of my children's novel. Whether or not people will read them is a different story.
I biked around with no destination whatsoever.

I have mastered the art of Snood.
I stared at these while listening to the new Crystal Castles CD- http://www.hybridmoment.com/ , http://www.hotdoom.com/

I tried and failed to re-install Rollercoaster Tycoon onto my computer. This is a problem that deserves professional attention.
I rediscovered the squirrel videos on Youtube that I like (Drunk Squirrel, Squirrel Attacks Deer)
I also watched this video-
I have found small ways to break rules everyday at school. This is perhaps the most dangerous diversion to boredom.
As well as this-
And then I came up with this theory-
There is no such thing as impossible. Since the universe is infinite, that means there are infinite possibilities. Everything you create or imagine exists in the universe because even if it is invisible to our eyes, it still exists in your mind.

The inner mind of Alex Grey

Heyyy! it works!
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