"If you could hang out with one mythical creature, which one would it be?"
I tend to ask this to every person I meet- whether they are a peer, a grandparent, a stranger, or a school administrator. Why? Because your answer says a lot about who you are. If I want a judge of your character, this is inevitably the question you will get.

I would personally hang out with the Keebler Elves because they sit in a treehouse and bake cookies all day.
Is there a wrong answer? Yes. And because you are taking the time to read my blog, I will tell you that if you ever say unicorn we probably won't get along well.
-Unicorns are probably the first thing that came to your head. If you took my question seriously, you wouldn't have settled for the first creature you thought of.
-You could truly hang out with ANY mythical creature- that includes ones that you design or make up yourself. They can have whatever powers you want them to have. Why the hell would you settle on a unicorn?

Don't fall for their pretty horns.
The only acceptable time I heard "unicorn" was when my friend David explained that if you hung out with a unicorn, you could potentially make it into a huge money making enterprise. You would probably make national news because everyone would want to see the unicorn.
My friend Ryan has never had a brain freeze. Can you imagine what life would be like without brain freezes? Furthermore, can you imagine trying to explain how a brain freeze feels?

On the same day I learned this interesting information, Ryan and I ran around with swords and told the neighborhood children that there were dragons in the area. We told the kids to holler if they saw one so that we could slay it.
The best part was that the kids believed us.
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