Tonight I went to the Animal Collective movie, Oddsac,

If plants and animals are alive, and we are fundamentally animals anyway, why do humans have a "God" and other lifeforms do not? What makes us different from the animals, anyway?
If you know the answer, please let me know. I'm really curious.
In the spirit of St. Patty's day festivities, a tribute to the O'Malley clan:
A friend of mine, let's call him Buddy, lives next door to my grandparents. They are tree-hugging artists who are active members in their local garden and environmental clubs. One night, Buddy had a party. The next day, he was throwing the empty beer cans over a neighbor's fence into another neighbor's lawn. After Buddy had left, my grandpa went to the lawn and started to pick up each beer can individually and put them in a plastic bag. When he was done, he walked over to Buddy's front door and hung the bag on the doorknob. On the bag, he left a note that read "Please Recycle".

Cool website I found, thought provoking art and animation:
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