Thursday, September 12, 2013

my dreams confuse me

‘Identity’ is a narrativization of life,
a story that satisfies us about who we are
Lisa Tickner

Michael Carson

Who am I?

I posit here that I am nothing more than a reflection of the world, a mirror.

I cannot jump out of my skin and ‘see’ myself as others see me. I do not inherently know what I represent, what I mean, my identity. So instead, I look for myself in others, in their actions, their beliefs, their conventions. I see myself in abstract artworks, in graffiti I pass on the streets, in random acts of kindness, in the bicyclist going downhill with a smile on her face. I find that these examples resemble my past actions, my pleasures, myself. The understanding of my own contours are shaped by others- where they end, and where I begin.

I construct my identity with conventions that already exist and already carry meaning. I associate with some words, some images, some people, but not with others. I know I am not aggressive because I wouldn’t have yelled at a store clerk about a refund for fifteen minutes; I know I am not a cynic because I am still afraid of the dark. Of course, “aggression” and “cynicism” are loaded with meanings that are shaped by every person who has ever used those words; I thus have no perception of my identity apart from the social codes that I use to represent it. How I describe myself is always already marked by culture. Identity cannot be pure. It is filtered through representations.

This is discomforting because it says the most sacred thing to us- our own sense of self- is contingent, full of uncertainty. It is not whole but comprised of fragments of everything else. The best we can do is put these fragments together, like a puzzle, to form a decipherable image. We turn our lives into a narrative that has a beginning, a middle, and an end, like the characters we read of in books or see in film. After all, those stories have an order, are self-contained, whereas we are not.

The comforting thought, then, lies in the fact that through representation, through conversation, we become both creators and spectators of ourselves. We have the power to see and therefore improve upon our lives. With this understanding, we become agents of progress.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

the culmination




Fernan Federic3

is art’s purpose not to show life in its most transparent form? is it not to reveal those natural structures that lay groundwork for our own rationality, or lack thereof? is it not to expose the minute, the unseen? with nature broken down to its empirical form, as it is now, what then becomes the purpose of art? we seem to have hit a wall, or rather, science.

is art dead?

Fernan Federic1


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Where do we draw the line between art and science? Below is an image of iridescent cells from around the squid eye, taken by today’s featured artist Fernan Federici, that was used in a microscopy experiment at Cambridge University.


Iridescent_cells_from_around_squid_eye_fernan federici - Copy



Behold, a mantis shrimp-


mantis shrimp

by Mother Nature

mantis shrimp2





Fast forward: at what level of human interference does computer programming, and encrypting, shift from a science to a work of art? What is made of man and what by machine? What’s the difference?




“The time for Beauty is over.

The more art develops, the more scientific it will be, just as science will become artistic. Separated in their early stages, the two will become one again when both reach their culmination.”

-Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880)


Secretsful of Sauce — Plink Flojd: Video by Theodore Darst



kim asendorf


Adam Ferriss


Adam Ferriss



Adam Ferriss2



adam ferriss3


Tiepolo Sky by my aunt Beth


These mountains are so beautiful


You nearly drive off

into the clouds and I am spacing

my breath


I can’t tell you how frightened I am

because this was my idea      We were near death


on the ground

How were we to know

that what is so exquisite

might also be



We were docile

eroticizing God

           and toxic


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