The thing about paradise
is that it can only last
so long.
People always wake up
from dreams, after all.
That’s why I’m anxious, you see,
because I am in paradise now-

I’ve never really liked the concept of time, anyway.

I don’t have an alternative solution to the system of days, hours, minutes and so on, but it’s always been of conflict to my current fantasy. Lack of time, trying to be on time, and the like, are incessantly limiting what I can or cannot experience. For some of you this might mean your alarm clock staring at you in the face, telling you not to sleep anymore, subliminally being your mother. Others might see it
as determining how long a lunch break could be, whether or not they have time to get a decent mark on an assignment, or whether or not one has the time to wander a bit off track. Time dictates which potentials are taken advantage of, and which opportunities we cannot take. After all, no one really has all the time in the world,
how would you even get a hold of it?
The chase for “enough time” binds us more than any physical constraint, any obstacle, because it never lets us catch it.
The present is always coming, always going, but never staying.

The point is, I can’t have clocks in my room anymore. They stare at me and give me information I do not want to know. Clocks tell me to leave, to stay, to work, to sleep, to wake up. I do my best to avoid them,
and I am often late.

Meet Chihuly and his Seaform Pavillion.

"I love to go to the ocean and walk along the beach. Glass is so much like water. If you let it go on its own, it almost ends up looking like something that came from the sea."

Now it’s my turn:

These here are some of my new creations. I’ve been having fun with it, how crunchy does that grape look?!
This is all made with my own glass art and lame photography skills.
There is plenty more where this came from, so please feel free to comment if you dig it!
Just soarin’…

And while you’re up, I’d highly recommend getting your dubstep here:
You’d be silly not to download the Gaslamp Killer/Flying Lotus mix:
And music for daydreaming:
Now time to melt…

One time in Out-of-the-Box club, I did a presentation on treehouses.

Despite being in Montreal, today actually felt like tropical weather, like this dream treehouse destination.
It was 3 degrees Celsius.
Regardless, I find the weather makes it more beautiful here, as if these buildings were built to look their best while coated in snow.

Icicles are like free embellishments,
and castles
are just flippin cool
to gaze at
when you’re walking to class,
and it’s –15.

Welcome to the hood.