Glasser- Tremel (Jamie XX remix)
One time, my roommate from Bordeaux told me
“Si te existe pas, on pourrait pas t'invente.”
This French expression roughly means,
”If you didn't exist, we couldn't possibly have invented you.”
With the exception of my friend Ryan, who told me
that when he’s around me he see lots of colors,
whatever that means,
that’s the best compliment I’ve ever received!
These paintings are quite like me, then, since they are
full of color
no distinct image
floating between forms
(neither liquid nor solid)
and what matters is the big idea.
I insist
we’re all creating ourselves as masterpieces.
Little by little, our brush guides us
as we play with paint, just
searching searching searching
for something to hold onto,
to call our own story,
to show what’s possible…
It doesn’t matter whether or not
“anyone could do it”.
It’s the fact that you did.
(don’t worry about me, I’m just some text floating between two beautiful works of art)
(art by Katrina Schaman, Keith Tyson and Casey Weldon)
My masterpiece will definitely be unlike anyone else’s. After all, lately I’ve been thinking about how I truly do not fit in any category (and I don’t know if anyone does). My canvas still has lots of room for growth and direction, though. I’m already starting to plan.
For example, when I grow up, I’m going to own an art gallery. When I get home from work at night, and when I want somewhere to write, I’m going to have a hideaway in my backyard that looks like this:
and inside it’s going to look like this:
with a house cat that looks like this:
A bright future, for sure.

On that same note, I recently discovered another blogger in Montreal who shares my optimism. If you like my writing, you might like his too. Here is an excerpt from his blog, Vanities Views, about our most powerful accessory, the smile:
“…i beg you to look into the eyes of a child; life's true performing poets or
go outside and see for yourself
the symmetry of a butterflies wings, the scent of a women, the fragility of a flower, a lovers tender kiss, the intricacies of friendships, the purity of a newborns palms, the stories found in wrinkles, the gentle breeze in the desert
and maybe i've been to burning man too many times
or maybe i have to much faith in strangers
but i keep looking and hoping that kindness and happiness is not yet endangered
because i think if everyone single person on this earth smiled at the same time and globally we shared a moment of true happiness
Evil would be washed away .a global baptism true adhesiveness
but lets start today even if your life is a little grey and your in dismay or a victim of foul play just curve your lips and your already halfway
smiles are the weapons of your soul weapons of mass construction
and lets begin our happiness seduction…”
You heard the man. Let’s begin…
It all starts by realizing that we are all misfits,

no one is either this or that,
so we should smile at them for being the masterpieces they are.