Wanna fly?
I suggest getting into kiteboarding.

Recently I've been working on printmaking, a unique style of art that is produced by using a copper or zinc plate, engraving it with a pointed tool, covering it in ink, then rolling it through a printing press. The print above is of my home away from home, the sailing beach. I'm watercoloring them and selling them for roughly $20 a pop.

My grandpa (above) is my inspiration and teacher for this particular art form. He does his work at the Chicago Printmakers Collaborative (CPC). To see some of his prints, and a recent article in the Pioneer Press, check out his blog.
Take it from me,
you can't lose your thoughts
you can hide them
rethink them
mold them
you can't lose your thoughts
but they can fool you
you fool.
These mirrored treehouses are now being built near the artic circle in Sweden. They are nearly invisible in the forest, but "Lindvall says that a special film that is visible to birds will be applied to the glass" so as to protect the native population.
In addition, the treehouses are completely green, as "the units are constructed from sustainably harvested wood and have electric radiant floor heating and 'a state-of-the-art, eco-friendly, incineration toilet.'" They will used as a part of a resort.

Inexplicably, I can taste these mandalas:
"I don't do drugs, I am drugs" - Salvador Dali
I went to Lollapalooza this past weekend. Among some amazing Perry's stage performances by Caspa, Rusko, 2manydjs, Digitalism, and others, I was mostly elated with the environment of the festival. I could freely freak wherever I wanted.
Erratic moshing delight!
that side you only see
through the cracks
of conservative parents,
and the frozen law
but here in the light show
here among the freaks,
that side is here
and will always be inside
that mosh,
that groove,
that dance,
that crowd.
Thetaville (noun) : The ambiguous state between dreaming and waking.

I enjoy writing because it makes my thoughts and memories immortal, as though they would disintegrate if not taken care of. I like to take old thoughts and toss them around inside my head, and see where that then leaves me. As long as I can access my past in ideas, revelations, and stories, every experience will be appreciated, and I will grow upon them.
We're all flowers anyway.