Some people that we meet are out of this world. They have ideas that are unprecedented and could never be defined by any sort of stereotype. This type of person grooves on their own ego- his or her persona is much less important than the substance behind it. They're the ones in the non-conventional outfits, the ones who are outspoken, the ones who are hard to talk to at all. Each generation has many of these types, the outer circle of conformity if you will, that harnesses a variation in lifestyle and cultivates innovative ideas. You can probably think of one or two from your high school.These are the people you would call nut jobs, odd balls, spacey, nerdy, out-of-the-box, crazy, loony, mad...
No, I'm not talking about hipsters.
While the entire world may never take them seriously, or disregard them as nuisances to society, we must realize that lunatics indeed are what propel our society forward. Evolutionarily speaking, we need variation to become better as a whole. This does not just apply to biology, but to the human psych as well. If we did not have out-of-the-box thinkers such as Einstein, and that dude that thought the Earth was the center of the universe (Copernicus, that nut!), we might as well be stuck living in the renaissance.
Without that first person to say, "Hey I've got this crazy idea!" and then belch it out to everyone they know, starting primarily with the aunts and uncles who raise their eyebrows at each other ("Did our sister really raise this child?"), the idea can never develop into a possibility. Someone must first believe that time travel is possible in order for society to catch on and study and search for a way to achieve it. A discovery begins with the lunatics and ends with the geniuses.
At first it will be an insane thought, like dark matter or negative energy. It will grow into a speculation, and then a great question. The question will make people think, and those people will try their best to answer it. As society gets more advanced, the question becomes easier and easier to decode. The question is within the grasp of reality. Finally, when the answers start pouring in, that's when everything changes...
once again. We've been through it before, and each time it changes the way we live. Every technological advancement started from one person who thought of something no one else has before, and that's always bound to bring criticism. However, instead of criticizing, I believe we should nurture these people's ideas, feed their heads and help them bring far-out ideas to life. We should support the impossible.
Lunatics unite! I'll listen to your ideas if you listen to mine...
Guess what!
The sun is 8 minutes old by the time we see it. So technically, every single moment of our lives we are looking at the past.